Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | 6 June 2023

A reflection from Revd Hannah

This week the Church has remembered the visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. The meeting of these two women, depicted in Luke’s Gospel (1:39-49, 50-56), was a joyful and unique event when both found themselves pregnant in unusual circumstances – Elizabeth in her old age after suffering from infertility and Mary by the Holy Spirit. This week the Church most poignantly declares the Magnificat, Mary’s profound song of joy.
We hear the Magnificat every day at the Cathedral at Evensong and Evening Prayer. The song of Mary’s soul magnifying her Lord. She paints a picture of God bringing down the proud, casting down the mighty, filling the hungry with good, sending the rich away empty. She sings of the lowly ones being raised, the small ones being blessed, the overlooked being valued, the disregarded being cherished.

This Cathedral church aims to make space for the lowly, the small, the suffering and the insignificant in many and various ways.
#PompeyTots meets weekly on Wednesday afternoons to worship and pray and play with many children and their grown-ups. From role-playing weddings when a child is anxious about the wedding of their parents or making a joyful noise at the celebration of Pentecost, and releasing balloons to remember Jesus’ ascension, we have fun together and put children at the heart of what we do.

We also aim to quiet offer spaces where hope and healing can be found. On the first Wednesday of each month at 12:00pm, there is a service of Wholeness and Healing in St Thomas’ Chapel with the opportunity to be anointed with oil and receive prayer for yourself or for those on your heart. The next service is on Wednesday 7 June at 12:00pm, we would be delighted for you to join us.
The Reverend Hannah Barraclough,
Cathedral Curate

Community News

Guides and Stewards visit the newly reopened  Garrison Church

 Last Friday (26 May), guides, stewards and some Cathedral staff visited the newly reopened  Garrison Church. It was an opportunity to meet with the regional manager for English Heritage, Alison Naylor, and to hear first-hand about the work that has gone to conserve this place for current and future generations. 
The installation of a glass wall between the intact Chancel and the Nave that is open to the elements after the Portsmouth Blitz, is transformative as it replaces a solid brick and concrete wall. It was also an opportunity to discuss and renew old links between the Church and the Cathedral. Tea and biscuits were laid on in Becket Hall after the visit.  This provided a time chat about the visit and to thank the guides and stewards for their continued commitment to our shared life and work here at our Cathedral.

Service of Wholeness and Healing

 On the first Wednesday of the month at 12:00pm we celebrate a Eucharist of Wholeness and Healingwith anointing in St Thomas’ Chapel. This service provides a quiet space with Holy Communion to pray for those who are sick or struggling in any way. There is the opportunity to be anointed with oil and time for prayer ministry with one of our ministry team.
The next service is on Wednesday 7 June, we look forward to seeing you there.

First events announced for the Festival of Storytelling

 The first events for our Festival of Storytelling, which will take place from 24 July to 13 August, have been announced. The festival aims to captivate audiences of all ages, fostering literacy skills and nurturing a deep appreciation for the written and spoken word. Featuring a variety of events including free daytime activities, storytelling sessions, and literacy-themed art pieces created by local schools and youth organisations. Throughout the festival, there will be unique performances and immersive experiences that will transport audiences further in the fascinating world of storytelling, as well as a project on the literary life of Portsmouth created by the University of Portsmouth.
On the 8 and 9 of August, there will be an outdoor performance of Sense and Sensibility - a 'Regency Romance Extravaganza' taking place on the Cathedral's west front. Heartbreak Productions warmly invites audiences to delve into the social season of Regency England following sisters Elinor and Marianne as they negotiate the complicated world of courtship. Audiences are encouraged to don their finest attire and immerse themselves in Jane Austen's biting social satire.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, gaming aficionados are challenged to prepare for an exceptional experience where fantasy and history come together during a Dungeons & Dragons Game Night at Portsmouth Cathedral. On Friday, 28 July, D&D groups are welcomed to enjoy an evening of storytelling, camaraderie, and epic battles within the breath-taking setting of the Cathedral. Both experienced and inexperienced gamers are welcome, with the option of booking a gaming table for your group or joining a dedicated beginners' table as a single player, where aspiring adventurers can learn the ropes. Friendly and knowledgeable Dungeon Masters will guide new players through character creation, rules, and mechanics, ensuring that everyone has a good time.
There are to be many more exciting announcements on the Festival of Storytelling website in the coming weeks and can also be found on our social media channels and e-newsletter. Tickets are available for booking online at portsmouthcathedral.org.uk/storytelling or in person at the Cathedral Shop.

Bench to be dedicated in memory of Nadjia Carpenter

 We were all deeply saddened by the sudden death of our Volunteer Co-ordinator, Nadjia Carpenter, in October of last year. With the agreement of her husband Sam and son Arthur, the Cathedral decided to place a new circular bench on the Cathedral Green in her memory. 
After #PompeySundays on Sunday, 11 June, at around 10:30am, Canon Kathryn will dedicate this new bench on the south-western side of the Green. All are warmly invited  to attend. Nadjia had the most vibrant fashion sense so bright coloured clothing will be most welcome to be worn by those attending!
We gratefully acknowledge the gifts from the Cathedral community that made this possible. Additionally, thanks to the Men in Sheds for their assistance in installing the new bench. Please keep in mind that the bench is scheduled to arrive on 8 June, so please check next week's Notices for confirmation that it has arrived and therefore will be dedicated as planned on 11 June.

Changes in the Vergers Team

 We'd like to congratulate Tom Marks, our Assistant Verger and Precincts Officer, on his appointment as Verger at Saint Ann's Church at HM Dockyard. Tom leaves after covering the maternity leave of our Head Verger and Precincts Manager, Malina Green. We are excited to welcome Malina back to the team next month, when she will join Maria and Ian.

Result of Elections

 Congratulations to Ronald Rabbetts and Sheila Picton who have been elected to serve as our Churchwardens and to Sarah Shreeve, Clive Arthurs and Sarah Shreeve who were elected as our representatives on Deanery Synod at the Annual Meetings which were held on Thursday 25 May.  The APCM received a report from the Dean including an update on the implementation of the Cathedrals Measure 2021, and a presentation on the 2022 Accounts and challenges ahead by the COO.  There was also the opportunity to remember all those from the Cathedral Community who had died in the past year.
Our 2022 Annual Review is nowavailable online.

Cycling Events 2023

 Cathedral cycling events for 2023 will begin with aCycle-to-ChurchSunday on 25 June. In-keeping with our environmental initiatives, congregations for both the 9:30am and 11am services are encouraged to come together by cycling to the Cathedral. There will be a communal blessing of cyclists and their bikes during the services.

This follows two years of taking part in the Cathedral Cycle Relay, a route connecting all Anglican Cathedrals in England. 2021 a group of us cycled to Winchester and 2022 to Chichester. The relay will re-commence in 2024.

In the meantime, a further group ride for 2023 will be organised as part of the annualRide & Strideon 9 September, where we fundraise for Hampshire and the Islands Historic Churches Trust which supports local churches by visiting as many as possible in one day. More details to come nearer the time.

For more information on any of our upcoming cycling initiatives - or if you have any suggestions for future events - contactHannah Gunga, Cathedral Cycling Champion.

Coventry Cross of Nails at Portsmouth Cathedral from 27 May to 4 June

 A Cross of Nails belonging to the Third Order, Society of St Francis will be on display in St Thomas Chapel from 27 May to 4 June.  The Cross of Nails is a symbol of peace and reconciliation, which originates from the destruction, rebuilding and renewal of Coventry Cathedral following the Second World War. The tertiary Franciscans are a partner of the Community of the Cross of Nails, which emerged at that time and is active in works of reconciliation. 
At 12 noon on Friday 2 June, the local Third Order Franciscans will say the Litany of Reconciliation in front of the cross. All are welcome to join this short service.
See here for more information about the Cross of Nails

Choral Evensong in half-term

 There will be Choral Evensong here at 5:45pm on Friday and Saturday, 2 and 3 June with the Dayspring United Methodist Church Choir visiting from the United States singing.

Canon Kathryn leaves as Chancellor

 Canon Kathryn's last service with us as Canon Chancellor will be Evensong on Sunday, 11 June 2023. All are most welcome to attend this service which will be followed by a drinks reception in the Welcome Area.
Should you wish to make a contribution to her leaving present– please either e-mail accounts@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk to request bank details, then make a transfer using the reference ‘Canon Kathryn Leaving Gift’ or put a donation in cash or in a cheque made out to “Portsmouth Cathedral” in a clearly marked envelope (same reference) then deliver it to the office.
Another date for the diary, Canon Kathryn's collation as Archdeacon of the Meon takes place during Evensong on Sunday, 2 July 2023.

Cathedral Green: Enhancing our biodiversity

 Once again, this year with the help and support of the City Council, we are leaving much of Cathedral Green unmown to enhance the biodiversity in our local area. This is also part of our commitment to Eco Church.
The two wildflower beds that were planted last year on the southside have certainly blossomed this year and provide both a vibrant splash of colour and the flowers for bees and insects to feed on and pollinate.

Chapter Meets

 Chapter meets on Wednesday evening.  Please find the Agenda on our downloads page.

Nominations Committee

 Portsmouth Cathedral has begun the planning to implement the Cathedrals Measure (2021). This brings all Church of England cathedrals in England under Charity Commission regulation, in addition to the jurisdiction of the Church Commissioners, and strengthens governance and operational frameworks.  
View the Cathedrals Measure FAQs on our website.
The new Chapter will be supported by a number of subsidiary committees, one of which will be a new Nominations Committee, chaired by Sir David Normington, which will advise on the recruitment of non-executive members of the new Chapter along with other Chapter Committees. 
Portsmouth Cathedral is looking to recruit members of this new Nominations Committee to serve in this important role.  We would particularly welcome people who have senior level experience in recruitment and in creating diverse and inclusive boards and committees in the public, private or charitable sectors.  It is envisaged that the committee will meet two or three times a year and that members will serve a three year term of office. Could one of these members, be you? 
Read the Role Description on our careers page.

Worship & visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Prayers and Intercessions

We pray for all those confirmed here last Saturday: especially for Addisyn, Penelope, Stanley, Gloria, Elliott and Kate from our Cathedral choirs and congregation.
Also for Jude to be baptised on Sunday, and his parents Luke and Bryony.
We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:  Nuno, Giles, Edward, Anne, Chris, Janet, Jane, Richard, Alan, Alistair, Richard, Piers and all those in need. 
Long-term sick, including:  Yvonne, Renee, Beverley, Rachel, Sophie, John, Graeme, Peter, Rosemary, Suzy, Andrew, Sarah, Alison, Jill, and Judith. 
Those who have died, including: Peter, Martyn Gough (former Chaplain of The Fleet)

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰

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