Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 8 May 2022

A reflection from Kitty Price… Fresh Perspectives

One of the problems of being a not-completely-former perfectionist, is that I hold myself to a high, though often unattainable standard. I try not to, but when I am tired or upset, I revert to my default setting, and I need someone else to remind me to give myself a break and not expect perfection, that whilst I might not be the lead singer, being a backing vocal is good enough. I am a huge fan of the Dr Seuss quotation, “Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think.” This helps to get things into perspective and see myself differently.

One of the biggest excitements in Old Portsmouth this week is the painting of the exterior of the block of flats, Lombard Court. A friend of mine who lives opposite the flats is very excited at the prospect of having a fresher, lighter colour flow through her windows. She is looking forward to experiencing the rooms at the front of the house in a new way, one that gives her a fresh perspective.

At baptism candidates are wrapped in white to signify that they have ‘put on Christ’, and are given a new life in Christ, cleansed from sin. The joy of having festivals that we celebrate each year is that we can experience them in a familiar way, but we are different people from the ones we were last year, our context is also different. We are emerging from the social distancing of the pandemic, which has affected us all in so many ways, and we are having to relearn things like being sociable! It is hard, but also a chance to do things differently. Change can be good for us. We might look at life in a new way.

To celebrate this continual process of opening up, there are many things happening at the cathedral over the next few weeks. One way of practising being social again is to take part in the Christian Aid breakfast or attend the BSO Voices: Requiem 2020 concert on 21st May. This new work combines liturgy with quotations from influential people including Martin Luther King Jnr, Khalil Gibran, and George Floyd. Then we have the Portsmouth Cathedral Institute’s lecture on Fr Robert Dolling, ‘Anglo-Catholics and the Conquest of the Slums’, on 23rd May. The Cathedral Organists’ Association is meeting in Portsmouth that week, so directors of music from elsewhere will be getting a seaside experience, opportunities to reflect on their roles and share best practice.

Meanwhile, we are all works in progress. As David and I have been walking the Price pooches around the Cathedral recently, we have enjoyed watching the development of the wildflower beds. It is wonderful to be doing more as an eco-church and celebrate the biodiversity that exists in God’s work of creation when we don’t meddle too much. Wildflowers teach us much about what it is to be loved by God for who we are.

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Community News

Season of Generosity continues this week

Thank you to everyone who has responded so positively to the Season of Generosity. We are hugely grateful for your new gifts, increased gifts and legacy pledges.

This Sunday marks the conclusion of the Season of Generosity and we will be dedicating all the pledge forms we have received at each of our Sunday services. If you have not yet returned your pledge form, please bring it along with you and leave it at the door.

If you would like to speak with someone about your giving, contact Richard Abraham on richard.abraham@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or speak to any member of the clergy.

Thank you for your generosity.

Learn more about the Season of Generosity →

Jubilee Celebrations of Royal Proportions at Portsmouth Cathedral

We welcome you to celebrate this unprecedented anniversary with us at Portsmouth Cathedral, with concerts, community events and family friendly activities taking place across the bank holiday weekend from Friday 3 to Sunday 5 June.

From treasure hunts to concerts, family activities and community events, there truly is something for everyone at our weekend of jubilant celebrations. Events across the weekend include an Evening Organ Concert with our own David Price and a Proms-style concert with the Solent Symphony Orchestra, as well as a community lunch and street party surrounding the Cathedral, ahead of a royal themed Jubilee Evensong on the Sunday evening, where our preacher will be the Right Revd John Hind, former Bishop of Chichester and Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Portsmouth.

We’re also looking for people to join in our ‘Big Bunting Challenge’ and help create hundreds of feet of eco-friendly bunting. Whether it be old bedsheets, or dresses from the 80s you’d rather forget, use your recycled materials to make bunting for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. You can find out more and download the template on our website.

Learn more about our Jubilee Celebrations →

Jubilee gifts and mementos now available in our Shop

On 2 June, HM the Queen will become the first British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee. Mark this historic occasion and its memory for years to come with a stunning memento from the Cathedral Gift Shop. Pop in or view online a range of mugs, tea towels, books decorations and more.

See our Jubilee Shop →

Portsmouth Cathedral lights up for Cathedrals at Night – 14 May, 7pm

Portsmouth Cathedral will open its doors on 14 May taking visitors on a journey from dusk to dawn. Starting in St. Thomas Chapel, the oldest part of the Cathedral, visitors will be guided through the colours and sounds of early evening. Moving into the Baptistry, explorers will be immersed in starry night sky, finishing in the Nave with the emerging light of dawn. Using light, projection and sound, visitors will be able to enjoy the Cathedral in a whole new light with entry free to this unique experience. Cathedrals at Night will take place shortly after a reflective Taizé service at 5:45pm, which is open to all to attend.

Learn more here →

Cathedrals Measure Update

Last Tuesday the Dean, Canon Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer attended a briefing session on the new Cathedrals Measure at Church House, Westminster.

The Cathedrals Measure 2021 sees significant changes to the way cathedrals are governed, and will bring them under joint regulation through the Church Commissioners and the Charity Commission. All 42 of England’s cathedrals will come under the new Measure by April 2024. Portsmouth will come under the Measure by early autumn 2023.

Preliminary work has already begun in renewing our governance structures and strengthening our committee system and membership, but there is much more to do. Chapter is committed to wider community and civic engagement and will meet with the Cathedral Council in June to begin discussions of what might replace the Council, which will cease to exist under the Measure.

Dean Anthony says, “It was an incredibly useful day. Three cathedrals have already come under the new Measure and we will benefit from the lessons learned through that process as we work to ensure implementation of the new Measure works for us. I was heartened to hear that the central Church and the Charity Commission acknowledge that each cathedral is different and that they will work with us to create a structure of governance that works for us and our wider community.”

Financial update to the end of March 2022

The COO, Richard Abraham, provided an update to Chapter on Cathedral Finance to the end of March 2022 (first quarter results). He reported that there is significant challenge already in 2022 with inflation already affecting our projected deficit for the year of £97,147.

Richard says, “2022 is already proving to be a most challenging year in terms of managing the finances of the Cathedral – more challenging than 2020 or 2021. Inflationary pressures in energy and building costs, for example, are already hitting our bottom line and will likely get worse over this year. In the autumn, some of our multi-year energy deals will end and the Cathedral is likely to see steep increases in expenditure at that time. This combined with Covid-19 grant funding ending will make navigating the financial waters ahead incredibly challenging.”

Even within this context Chapter took the important decision in April to increase the minimum staff wage to that of the National Living Foundation (NLF) which is £9.90 per hour from 1 May 2022 (The minimum wage as set by the UK Government is £9.50 per hour). Richard says, “Chapter has for many years aspired to pay staff at least the wage set by the NLF, and it was felt that this year it was important to support the less well-paid members of the staff team in this way.”

Chapter also remains engaged in the wider community including, as mentioned in last week’s Notices, helping to ensure Ukrainian refugees arriving in our community receive a welcome pack full of essential products. The Cathedral continues to be engaged in ways we can work with and support new arrivals to our community as well as the community as whole.

Dean Anthony says, “As this Season of Generosity nears its end, we hope that, even in this financially challenging year for all of us, you will continue to support the Cathedral and its work. Even as we face a third year of unprecedented financial challenges, with your support we will continue to be a witness to God both within the Cathedral and in God’s wider community of Portsmouth and the Diocese.”

Election of Churchwardens, Chapter and Cathedral Council members

At the Cathedral's Annual Meetings on 24 May at 7:00pm, there is the opportunity to elect our Churchwardens, and two members of Chapter (the Cathedral's governing body).

One of the Chapter members must also be a Churchwarden. Sheila Picton, who has served as Churchwarden for six consecutive terms of office, stands down at the election as required by the Churchwardens Measure. We are indebted to her and Ronald Rabbetts, for all they do in enabling our life and work, and to members of Chapter for their vital role in overseeing our overall strategy, and key decision making. We are also grateful to members of Council for their role in the Cathedral’s current governance structure which is due to change next year under the 2021 Cathedrals Measure.

You are invited to consider if either of those roles might be for you - and if so, to discuss this with Dean Anthony. He would be delighted to have several conversations, with a whole variety of people!

There is also an opportunity to stand for election as one of our congregational representatives on Cathedral Council. If you would be interested in this role please contact Dean Anthony or the Chair of Cathedral Council, Kate Branigan.

The Electoral Roll has now been revised. Names are on display in the Cathedral or can be checked through the Cathedral Offices.

Chapter News

Chapter met on Wednesday evening in the Bishop Kenneth Room, receiving a presentation from the Head Verger and Precinct Manager, Malina Green, about her work and that of her team. The Dean, on behalf of Chapter and indeed the entire Cathedral community, wished Malina and Adrian well as they await the new arrival into their family in June of this year.

Updates were received from the Dean on a recent training day at Church House on the new Cathedrals Measure (See more about this elsewhere in these Notices) and the Canons Precentor and Chancellor on their areas of responsibility as Executive members of Chapter. The COO updated Chapter on his areas of responsibility including the recruitment of a new Head of Fundraising and the Visitor Experience Manager which will happen in late June. His financial update is covered elsewhere Notices.

A discussion of governance in general and within the context of the new Cathedrals Measure was held and Chapter agreed the Terms of Reference for the new Senior Management Team (See new terms of reference here)

Led by the Dean, Chapter warmly thanked Canon Shelia Picton for her six years of devoted service as Churchwarden and for the past three years as a member of Chapter. The Dean presented her with flowers (which he had accidently stepped on during Evening Prayer!) as a token of our appreciation.

Cathedral Council

Cathedral Council meets on Tuesday to receive the 2021 audited accounts which were approved by Chapter last month. The accounts will be published with next week's notices.

Find the agenda on our downloads page →

Enhancing our Biodiversity on Cathedral Green

Earlier this Spring led by our Cathedral Climate Champion, Sue Ward, we met with the City Council concerning how we might enhance biodiversity on Cathedral Green. As a member of Eco Church, the Cathedral is committed to taking such actions that will preserve and enhance God’s creation.

Read more →

Tickets booking fast for BSO Voices: Requiem 2020

We look forward to welcoming Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra on Saturday, 21 May. With less than a month to go, make sure you've purchased your ticket! Requiem 2020 reflects on a year of great upheaval, events that resounded around the world and when climate change really came to the fore. Written for chorus and four soloists plus orchestra it is thrilling work based around the traditional religious liturgy but with added lyrics sourced from quotations by Martin Luther King Jnr, JK Rowling, Khalil Gibran and Joaquin Phoenix, as well as the last words by George Floyd – “I can’t breathe!

Find out more and book online →

Lunch Club returns on Monday 9 May

We are delighted to announce that thanks to a new cooking team of Rachael Forder (Chorister Parent) and friends, and to our existing volunteers, Lunch Club can restart, meeting on the new day of Mondays, starting on 9 May, at 12:30pm in Becket Hall. Our aim is to meet every two weeks, but this will have to be varied slightly during the summer term.

Additional dates are 23 May, 13 and 20 June, and 4 July. We will restart in the autumn on 12 September. The cost of a two-course hot lunch is £5. All are most welcome. If you would like to attend Lunch Club, please contact the Cathedral Office by the Friday before each Monday meeting.

Find further information on our website →

Help for Ukrainian Refugees

Our Diocese, working with Citizens UK, has committed to finding 50 hosts for Ukrainian refugees, together with others to befriend and support. If you would like to know more, visit the Diocese website or speak to Canon Nick Ralph.

Foodbank Donations

Many families are feeling the struggle of the recent cost of living crisis, your support of the Roberts Centre Foodbank has never been more important. Donations of food and toiletries are particularly needed at the moment and greatly appreciated by those using the service.

Please bring your donations to the Foodbank collection point in the Welcome Area during the Cathedral’s daily opening hours.

Worship and Visiting

Portsmouth Cathedral is open daily for prayer, services and visiting. Booking is not required for services, unless otherwise indicated. You can find out more about visiting on our website, where you can also download orders of service or find our Covid-19 visitor information.

Beating the Bounds

All are invited to join us for this historic tradition that we are celebrating again this year! Join us on Sunday 22 May, Rogation Sunday, following the 11:00am City Service Eucharist we will walk the boundary of the Cathedral parish.

This includes going along the seafront towards Clarence Pier and then through the City to the Guildhall. The new Lord Mayor, who will have been at the Eucharist, will meet us at the Guildhall as we continue to pray for God’s blessing on our parish and our City through this coming year. We will take this opportunity to pause for a picnic also on the Guildhall Steps.

We would normally take the train one stop to Portsmouth Harbour, but due to engineering work, we will walk along Park Road. (rail-replacement bus is also available). We will then take the Gosport Ferry across the harbour and back - in recognition that our parish boundary is on the Gosport side of the channel! Finally walking outside the Dockyard and on to the International Ferry Port.

The total distance one way is about 4 miles, will all welcome to join for the whole route or for a portion. At the end, anyone still feeling fit can walk back (about 1½ miles direct) or we will find a bus or share a ride back from the Ferry Port.

Please bring drinks and a sandwich; and sun cream if fine, or waterproofs if wet! It is a fun and friendly occasion, enjoying the open air together and discovering more about our Cathedral parish. Do join us!

More information and expressions of interest, please contact Canon Jo.

Preaching Series

Continuing our Sunday Evensong series of sermons by our Honorary Canons we look forward to welcoming the Venerable Peter Sutton, Priest in Charge Empshott, Greatham and Hawkley with Priors Dean on Sunday 15 May at 5.45pm.

Prayers and Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Tom, Beverley, Richard, Jane, Alan, Amanda, Derek, Denise, Rachel, Alan, Lucy, Martin, Susan, Tom, Jean, Alan, and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Alison, Christopher, Clifford, Jane, Johnny, Melissa, Jenny, Suzy, Sarah, Bob, Michael, Rita, Izzy, Graeme, Clare, Libby, Hilary, Andrew, and Peter.

We pray for those who have died recently: Irene Williams, Edward Parker-Jervis, Roy Purnell, and Jane Connolly RIP.

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

News or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰

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