Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 31 May Pentecost

Your weekly update from Portsmouth Cathedral

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75th Anniversary of VE Day
Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 3 May Fourth Sunday of Easter

Your weekly update from Portsmouth Cathedral

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Liz Snowball
Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 19th April - Second Sunday of Easter

An Easter message from the Dean together with details of our Holy Week and Easter services

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Liz Snowball
Update from Portsmouth Cathedral - Easter 2020

An Easter message from the Dean together with details of our Holy Week and Easter services

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NoticesLiz Snowball
News from Portsmouth Cathedral - Palm Sunday 5 April 2020

Latest news including a letter from the Dean, details of our live-streamed worship through Holy Week and how you can support the Cathedral at this time.

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Liz Snowball
Foodbank Collection Point
Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 29 March 2020

We miss you!  These really are unprecedented times, and it is hard to be deprived of the ability to worship and meet together as we had become accustomed to do.  This email comes to you with the assurance of the prayers of the whole clergy and ministry team of the Cathedral. 

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Liz Snowball
Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 22nd March 2020

Mothering Sunday/Fourth Sunday of Lent

We live in strange and unsettling times. The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have announced that all public worship is suspended until further notice, but prayers should continue to be said on behalf of everyone. We are in a situation of change, in which we as a Cathedral are working out new ways to continue our worshipping life, our pastoral care and our community involvement.

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Liz Snowball
Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 15th March 2020

‘Give me a drink.’

The words of Jesus to the woman at the well in our Gospel reading this Sunday have a particular resonance for us at the moment, as, in line with our Archbishops’ advice on the coronavirus, water has been removed from our font and water stoup, and we will no longer be receiving the wine at Communion.

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Portsmouth Cathedral
Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 8th March 2020

One of the most significant trends that shapes life in the modern world is a sense of radical interiority: modern people try to find their true selves by turning inwards to reflect upon themselves. Therefore many people will see Lent as a time for interiority: going inward to discover themselves anew.

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Portsmouth Cathedral
Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 1st March 2020

Painted meditations on the Passion of Christ

The astonishing series of thirteen paintings by Nicholas Mynheer called The Sarum Cycle is now on display around the ambulatory starting from the South doors. As painted meditations on the Passion of Christ, they are well worth spending time with and perhaps revisiting over the coming weeks. They will be on display for the whole of Lent, as we journey together on our pilgrimage with Jesus on the way that led him to the Cross. And they will stay at least into the beginning of Eastertide, because the Cycle ends with the women discovering the Empty Tomb and finally the risen Jesus appearing by the sea to his fishermen disciples.

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Portsmouth Cathedral