Portsmouth Cathedral welcomes lifeline funding from the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage

Portsmouth Cathedral welcomes lifeline funding from the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage.

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Churchwarden Receives Maundy Money

HER Majesty the Queen today (April 1) honoured a Portsmouth churchwarden for her Christian service to the nation.

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Did you know... The Evacuation of Tangier and the Tangier Plate

Did you know on 5 April 1684, the evacuated Tangier Garrison landed in Portsmouth. How did this country come to have a garrison in North Africa?

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Weekly Notices | Sunday 28 March 2021

Your weekly update from Portsmouth Cathedral.

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Did you know... What is the Lenten Frontal?

Last week’s Did You Know considered the way Becket’s assassins demonstrated their penitence (saying sorry and turning away from sin) after his murder. We continue the focus on penitence this week, as we look at the season of Lent.

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Weekly Notices | Sunday 21 March 2021

Your weekly update from Portsmouth Cathedral.

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Chapter Meeting | 25 March 2021
Offer a prayer for the National Day of Reflection

Portsmouth Cathedral are inviting bereaved families, friends and loved ones to remember all those whom we have lost due to Covid-19 over the past year.

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Did you know... What happened to Becket’s Assassins ?

Lent is a period extending from Ash Wednesday - the day after Pancake/Shrove Tuesday - to Holy Saturday - the day before Easter Sunday - observed as a time of penance and fasting in the Christian calendar.

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Weekly Notices | Sunday 14 March 2021

Your weekly update from Portsmouth Cathedral.

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Did you know... How the West End of the Cathedral Came About

In 1981 Ken Makins, the Surveyor of the Fabric, alerted the Cathedral Council that some bricks in the temporary west wall of the cathedral were failing. The utilitarian red brick wall had been hurriedly erected in 1939, when the start of the Second World War halted Sir Charles Nicholson’s extension. Remedial work was begun; but in June 1982 repairs were halted, while discussion proceeded on more substantial changes.

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Weekly Notices | Sunday 7 March 2021

Canon Kathryn’s full interview with Revd Richard Coles.

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International Women’s Day 2021 with Professor June Purvis

To mark International Women’s Day 2021, see Canon Kathryn in conversation with Professor June Purvis on this year’s theme: 'Women in Leadership – achieving an equal future in a Covid-19 world'.

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Chapter Meeting Update - 24 February 2021

At its meeting on 24 February Chapter discussed in outline the changes in Governance that will be required in due course under the Cathedrals Measure 2021 which was before the parliamentary Ecclesiastical Committee last week.

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Did you know... The Red Lion Yard

On 7 March 1927, Neville Lovett was appointed as joint Archdeacon of Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight, and instituted Vicar of the Church of St Thomas.

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Weekly Notices | Sunday 28 February 2021

Canon Kathryn’s full interview with Revd Richard Coles.

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NoticesPortsmouth Cathedral
Did you know... Jane Stuart’s Memorial Stone

Jane Stuart’s memorial stone in the Cathedral bears a most unusual date.

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Introducing our Holy Week Preacher, the Revd Dr. Stephen Hance

We are delighted to welcome the Revd Dr. Stephen Hance, as our Holy Week preacher this year. Ordained here at Portsmouth Cathedral, he is the National Lead for Evangelism and Witness for the Church of England. Previously serving as Dean of Derby, as Canon Missioner in Southwark, and as a parish priest.

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